Protecting Your Wealth

Listen to our three part series about protecting your wealth in our three part series with Juliet Moses, Partner, TGT Legal.

Episode 1: Assets & Trusts with Juliet Moses

Nicky Reid, Milford Financial Adviser and Juliet Moses, Partner – TGT Legal discuss Assets and Trusts in this podcast episode. Why have a trust in the first place? What are the benefits? And the things you need to consider when setting one up.

Episode 2: Relationship Property

Money and relationships. It can get complicated! When you own anything together and things don’t work out how you had hoped, this episode discusses all the things you need to consider right from when you enter a relationship (particularly if you have assets that you are bringing into the partnership).

Episode 3: Wills & EPOA's

Wills and Estates and Enduring Powers of Attorney. These are things you need to consider if you own anything, including your KiwiSaver.