Milford on AM 23 May 2024

Stephanie Batchelor, 23 May 2024

Milford on AM 16 May 2024

Mark Riggall, 17 May 2024

Retail data has shown that electronic transaction rates fell last month, with spending per person now as low as it

Milford on AM 09 May 2024

Frances Sweetman, 09 May 2024

Latest Pulse of NZ Business survey results from Forsyth Barr show that deteriorating demand, rather than inflation and labour shortages,

Milford on AM 02 May 2024

Katlyn Parker, 02 May 2024

Unemployment has hit a 3-year high, with 10,000 New Zealanders losing their jobs in the March quarter. But is there

Milford on AM 26 April 2024

Dr Deborah Lambie, 26 Apr 2024

Will ads be coming to Netflix? Milford Investment Analyst Dr Deborah Lambie was on AM Show this morning discussing Netflix’s
